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Ra Booties

22 Oct

We have this thing in my oldest and dearest group of friends, that we all love Ra Booties. What are Ra Booties? Delightful little knitted booties for big people which you can wear around the house, to bed, on the couch, anywhere inside at all. They are called Ra Booties because Ra was the mother of one friend who used to knit them for us all. Even though Ra Booties were around before Ra (I remember my friend Oliver’s mum was the first knitter of these when we were about 13), but we still can them Ra Booties, not Oliver’s Mums Booties. I guess it has a better ring.

The lovely Renee who I got to hang out with last week in Wellington, knitted me a pair for my birthday (beginning of June), and I got them in the mail today after she found them again. Maybe a little late for the season, but these will be well worn in the winter months next year. Go the Ra Booties!

Stacey Marie